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42 Copywriting PROOF Elements that SELL


Discover 42 Copywriting PROOF Elements that Generate Sales

Gary Bencivenga - a legendary copywriter - believes PROOF is one of the most important elements of any sales copy.

Just in case you don't know, Gary Bencivenga is the ONLY legendary copywriter Gary Halbert said "I wouldn't want to compete against"

Gary Bencivenga says...

“Surround your claims with stronger, bolder proof and watch your response soar” 

I agree with him.

Every true copywriter agrees with him too.

Sometimes trying to sell anything without proof, is like fetching water with a basket.

Ideally, you should back up every point or claim you make in your copy with PROOF.

And know this... 

Testimonials are not the only kind of PROOF.

There are many others.

You just have to know them and use them. 

Fortunately, this video from my copywriting coaching program deals exclusively on this subject.

You'll discover 42 kinds of proofs you can use in your copy... 

And how to use each of them.

You'll also see live examples.

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Inside this 47-minute video training, you'll discover...

-Proof elements that sell health offers like crazy

-Proofs elements 10 times more powerful than testimonials

-Discover 42 kinds of Proof that will make your copy generate sales

-How to find these proof elements using the internet

-The best proof elements for physical products and e-commerce products

- How to turn simple stories into powerful proof elements for your copy

-The #1 killer of sales (And what to do about it)

-The number one job of the proof elements in your copy

-The best places and times to use PROOF in your copy to generate MAXIMUM sales

-The number of proof elements your sale copy should have

-The 2 main types of powerful proofs you can use in your copy

-The best kinds of proof elements you can use for different sales copy project

-How to transform "excel sheets" into powerful proof elements

-When decimal numbers can become POWERFUL proof elements

-How simple charts can help you sell offers like hot cakes

-When to use simple visual images as persuasive proof elements for your copy

-How to use Google to discover proof elements for your copy project

-A PROOF element you can use when you have

-How third parties can help add PROOF elements to your copy

-A specially designed printed paper or digital image, you can add to your copy to boost the credibility of your product or company. (This is another powerful proof element)

-When to use phone numbers or physical addresses as proof elements

-Turn “these words” into images to boost the credibility of your offer

-Use these 2 photos to add PROOF when you sell in the health market

-PROOF elements you can use in the health market


-The different and effective ways to present testimonials so as to produce maximum sales or responses

-The best way to present testimonials in your copy (This produces maximum sales)

-The most POWERFUL proof element for selling physical products

-This proof element can quadruple your sales while making you write less copy

-How your "list of clients" can become a powerful proof element in your copy

-Discover simple social media proof elements that work

-How to use "product reviews" as proof elements in your copy

-Add this proof element to your copy when you sell physical products (Hint- you can create it with your phone)

-How to “borrow credibility” for your product, service or offer creator and transform it into PROOF

-The celebrity effect- how to use celebrities as proof elements in your copy

-This commonly used copywriting element -usually found at the bottom of your copy- is a POWERFUL proof element

-When to use “reverse proof” to generate maximum response and sales

-How “HONESTY” can become an amazing proof element (and when to use it)

-Use these two simple concepts from “literature” as proof elements and boost your sales

-How to use simple stories as proof elements for your copy (Plus- the kinds of stories you can use)


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42 Copywriting PROOF Elements that SELL

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