Short Copy Mastery ( Email Copywriting Course)
For affiliate marketers, info-marketers, e-commerce business owners and anyone ready to master email copywriting…
How to Write Simple 100 to 500 Word Emails That Generates Unlimited Sales For Your Product…
Or Get Clients That’ll Pay You $20 ,$50 or $100 (Or More) per Email
These powerful email secrets will help you create content that sells anything on social media, WhatsApp broadcasts and even Facebook Ads
Special Bonus–
✅️100 swipe emails” in the internet marketing niche worth $99 (N50,000)… ALL Yours FREE
“I got his self explanatory course…and I can say that I got beyond what I paid for…”

Dear friend,
In the next 5 minutes, you’ll discover the most powerful and easy email copywriting secrets that’ll…
Empower you to write simple 100 to 500-word emails FAST…
And sell out your offers or get hired by clients who can pay you $20, $50 ,$100 or even $200 per email.
Everything is explained to you STEP BY STEP, so you’ll know exactly what to do.
But first, here’s a story about a man who makes …
$9,000 A Month By Writing Simple Emails
The other day, I read a story about a guy who makes up to $9,000 to $10,000 monthly by just writing short emails.
Here’s how he does it. ..
He got hired to write daily weekday emails at $150 each for 3 companies.
That’s a total of 20+ emails for each company.
And a grand total of 60+ emails a month.
60 times $150 is $9000 a month.
Guess what?
Most of his emails are just 200 to 300 words long.
But frankly, it’s not really about the length of his emails.
It’s the principles and knowledge he has that make the difference.
He makes good money writing short, easy copy daily.
So while many people struggle with long-form copy, which is also very profitable,..
He writes short emails and other forms of short copy…
And gets paid handsomely.
Fortunately, You Can Also Master Short Copy and Start Making Good Money Too.
It’s easier to learn.
It has a high demand.
And you can get paid monthly.
And he’s NOT the only one making good money with Short Copy…
So many people now make money writing short (100 to 500 words of copy) as emails and social media content.
You’ll see exactly how to get started in a minute…
Before I go on, let me introduce myself.
Meet Mk Akan – Top Direct Response Copywriter
Hi, my name is Mkpouto Usua AKA Mk Akan.

I am a direct response copywriter with over 10 years of experience.
I have written copy and sold products in many niches for myself and my clients.
Email copywriting is one of my core strengths.
I am also the founder of a fast-growing copywriting community called the Copywriting Practice on Facebook with over 32,000 members.
This is where I share my knowledge and help other people master copywriting.
Here’s What People Say About Me And My Copywriting Skill

Why Short Copy Is In HOT Demand
Well, if you want to sell using email, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and even blogs…
You need to write short copy.
If you plan to write emails for clients who can pay you $50 to $200 for your 100 to 500-word email…
You need to know how to write Short Copy.
If you’re a newbie…
- Copywriter
- Facebook Ad Buyer
- Content writer
- Social media account manage
- Affiliate marketer
- Network marketer
- Info marketer,
- E-commerce business owner
Or you want to easily sell your physical product online. Or sell your service using social media…
Then You NEED To Master Writing Short Copy
That’s why I compiled all my secrets into a new course called the Short Copy Mastery Program. (I’ll talk more about this later)
In the course , you’ll learn the secrets to writing persuasive emails, Facebook posts, Facebook Ads, WhatsApp broadcasts and even content for blogs.
You’ll NEVER struggle with writing short sales content EVER AGAIN.
I’ll show you (step by step) easy ways to generate unlimited short copy that sells like crazy.
Benefits Of Mastering Email and Short Copywriting
1) High Demand
Like I mentioned earlier after you ( or someone else) write long copy…
You’ll still need Short Copy to drive your audience to that long copy…
For example, you’ll still need to write …
Facebook ads
Email copy
Social media posts
Whatsapp posts
So for 1 long copy, you’ll need 10, 20 or 100 short copy.
This shows there’s a huge demand for this kind of copy.
High demand means you can easily get paid.
2) Helps Your Master Long Copy
If you’re still struggling to write long copy, you can start by mastering short copy.
As you apply different copywriting principles to write short copy, you’ll get good at writing long copy.
Because Long Copy is usually a combination of lots of “Short Copy “.
3) Make Good Money
As you read above, many copywriters make a good living by just writing short copy.
Some copywriters only specialize in writing emails, Facebook Ads and social media posts.
They make good money with it.
Clients are willing to pay $50, $100, $200 and even $500 for great emails (and other short copy) that generate sales.
You can even get paid a monthly retainer.
Imagine getting paid $100 or $150 for 20 emails every month.
That’s $2000 or $3000 for 100 to 500-word emails.
Insane right?
4) 10 Times Easier To Write
Don’t be deceived.
Long Copy takes time to master.
There’re so many moving parts.
But short copy is much easier to master and write.
Even after you master it …
Long Copy can take 24 hours, 1 week or even a month to write… (depending on the niche and your experience in the niche).
Short Copy can take 10 minutes, 30 minutes or 1 hour to write… (depending on the niche and your experience in the niche)
So while you learn how to write long copy, master short copy and start getting paid.
5) Easier To Practice
Unlike long copy, short copy is much easier to practice.
This is because short copy is usually less than 1000 words long.
So it’s easier to practice it daily.
This helps you improve your skill fast.
But that’s not all…
You’ll get access to examples, templates and other cool bonuses.
Here’s Everything You’ll Get In The “Short Copy Mastery Program ”

✅️1) Short Copy Mastery (Ebook) worth $19)
This ebook training reveals all you need to know about writing profitable short copy.
You’ll see the EXACT steps and process to use.
You’ll know exactly how to write persuasive 100 to 500 words of copy.
You’ll also see examples you can model.
✅️Bonus 1- Short Copy Mastery (video) worth $29 )
This video explains all the steps in the pdf ebook.
It is perfect for those who prefer video.
You’ll learn everything step by step.
“Thanks For the Course Again “

✅️Bonus 2- Short Copy Mastery audio mp3 (worth $19)
This special bonus gives you access to the audio mp3 of this course.
This will help you learn these secrets even when you’re busy doing other things.
You can listen while you’re jugging, cooking or driving to work.
You can listen using your phone or laptop.
Order now to download this special bonus.
✅️Bonus 3- Short Copy Breakdowns (video worth$79)
In this bonus, you’ll watch me break down and explain 7 examples of great short copy found online.
You’ll see the exact secrets used by different experts.
You’ll learn how different elements are used to write persuasive short copy.
This helps you start practicing FAST.
“Your Short Copy Mastery Course Has Really Been an Eye Opener For Me”

✅️Bonus 4 – Watch Me Write A Brand New Profitable Short Copy Live (worth $29)
One of the bonuses you’ll get when you order my Short Copy Mastery Training is a special bonus…
Here you’ll watch me write short copy from start to finish.
I’ll record a video of myself writing EVERYTHING from A to Z.
You’ll get to see my thinking process.
You’ll see my draft and the final copy.
I’ll even explain my writing process to you.
Why is this useful?
Well, watching someone do something is sometimes more valuable than just reading about it.
So this will help you learn how to write profitable short copy faster.
Order today to download this special BONUS NOW.
✅️Bonus 5– FBI Email Story Formula (worth $29 )

This unique video training reveals a little-known way to ETHICALLY use other people’s stories to SELL ANYTHING.
You can use it to write POWERFUL emails and social media content
No one else talks about this system. You’ll only get it from this training.
You can use it in any niche and to sell your own offers or affiliate offers.
I used to sell this course on the WarriorForum, but today, you’ll get it for FREE when you order the Short Copy Mastery Program.
Order Now to download this bonus INSTANTLY.
✅️Bonus 6 – 100 Swipe Emails in the IM Space (worth $99)
This special bonus is a list of 100 prewritten emails from the Internet Marketing space.
I used to sell this for $99 on Warriorplus but today you’ll get it for FREE.
How will this help you?
With these prewritten emails, you’ll save time and easily get ideas to sell anything in the “internet marketing” and “make money” niche.
Just copy, edit and use in minutes.
A lot of people love this bonus.
One person used it to write for his client.
Another used it to sell his own offers.
You can use it to send broadcast emails or set them up as follow-up emails.
You can use them on social media or on your whatsapp status.
Just open , edit and use.
Order Short Copy Mastery Now to download this special bonus INSTANTLY.
“Thanks For This Wonderful Course”

✅️Bonus 7 – How To Generate 365 Emails or Content Ideas (worth $99)
Order the Short Copy mastery program now and you’ll get access to this valuable bonus.
This video reveals…
- How to generate persuasive emails or content just by looking at your sales page
- How to turn different parts of your sales page into persuasive content our emails
- How to turn any testimonial into a powerful email or content
- How to turn news about past events into persuasive content
- How social media can help you generate unlimited content ideas
- Where to find stories for your content or emails
- How to create content using things happening in your life
- How to ETHICALLY use other people’s testimonials to create content and sell your own offers
- The 2-Blank Story Formula- Use this to sell anything
- How to generate content ideas from watching TV
“The lessons taught In this Video…can easily help you generate Six-Figure Monthly Income in sales”

✅️Bonus 8 –FREE Copy Review Service for 6 Months (worth $1000)
Getting a second pair of eyes to look and review your copy is one of the fastest ways to improve super FAST.
So when you ORDER the Short Copy Mastery program NOW, you’ll get INSTANT access to my valuable copy review service…
Where you’ll get your Short Copy reviewed for FREE for 6 months.
This will help you correct your mistakes and improve your Short Copywriting skill in a few weeks.
This PREMIUM service cost up to N20,000 per email or short copy…but you’re getting it for FREE.
Order NOW and start enjoying reviews from me.
NOTE– This copy review is ONLY for your SHORT COPY.
If you want copy review for your long-form copy, please reach out for details.
“I’ve been secretly studying his emails”

✅️Bonus 9– Story Telling Secrets (worth $49)
You likely know this already…STORIES SELL.
It’s a FACT
This is because humans LOVE STORIES.
That’s why Hollywood, Nollywood and Zeeworld are a big hit.
That’s why some of the most viral posts and videos on Facebook are stories.
If you want to generate sales and master copywriting, YOU MUST MASTER STORYTELLING.
But you have to be careful though.
You see, not all stories work.
So if you just study storytelling like those who want to write novels…
And don’t know how “sales stories” are written, you’ll FAIL.
This is because stories written to sell are way different from stories in novels, movies and for entertainment.
So a good novel writer can be a terrible copywriter.
Just like an English professor could be a terrible copywriter
So it’s not just about knowing how to tell stories.
You need to know how to tell stories designed to influence and SELL.
Fortunately, the principles for telling great “sales stories” are EASY to learn.
It’s much easier than learning how to write a novel.
And that’s exactly what you’ll learn in this bonus.
You’ll see step-by-step, easy ways to tell stories that attract your audience and generate sales.
Immediately it is shown to you, you’ll know what to do.
You’ll also discover the following…
-Common mistakes to avoid when writing sales stories.
-A POWERFUL way to start any story… That forces your audience to stay glued to the end.
-Live examples of great stories and how to model them
-How to tell simple sales stories in less than 100 words…
-How to transform simple information into compelling stories..
-Many more secrets for writing other kinds of Short Copy.
“I found the course interesting, easy to practice…”

✅️Bonus 10– Subject Line Secrets – How To Write “Attention Grabbing” Subject Lines That Generate Sales (worth $19)
If you want to write emails that get opened…
Generate sales…
And get clients to hire you again and again…
Then you MUST master how to write subject lines.
What are subject lines?
Subject Lines are basically headlines for your emails.
They are usually the first thing you see when you open your email box.
Their only job is to tease and entice your subscriber to click , open and read your email.
Expert email copywriters spend time mastering how to write subject lines that work.
I personally write two to five subject lines per email I write.
That’s how important they are.
So your subject line affects whether your email will be opened or not.
This new video module reveals how to write these subject lines.
After watching this module, you’ll discover…
✅️The easiest way to write amazing subject lines
✅️The perfect length of a subject line
✅️ Best time to write a subject line (before or after you write your email)
And many more secrets
Download Now And Discover These Subject Line Secrets
“The Book , Down to The Video Tutorial is MIND BLOWING “

✅️Bonus 11- 21 Powerful Subject Line Templates (worth $19)
Apart from teaching you how to write the best subject lines …
You’ll also get the most successful Subject Line Templates I’ve used.
These templates will slash your work time by half and help you generate multiple subject lines in less than a minute.
Just copy, paste and edit.
Register Now and Get Instant Access to All These “Attention Grabbing” Subject Line Templates
” It was simple, straight forward and very easy to understand…”

✅️Bonus 12– How To Create The Most Irresistible Email Copywriting Portfolio (worth $19)
If you want copywriting clients, you need a portfolio.
A copywriting portfolio is a collection and samples of your past work.
Some clients ask for it when they want to hire you.
Unfortunately, most email copywriters have boring portfolios.
They just throw in links to their past work.
That’s what I used to do…
Until I learnt a powerful trick that transforms any portfolio into a “client magnet”.
You NEED to know this portfolio TRICK too.
It will stand you out. And give you a great chance over others.
The trick takes just a few minutes.
There’s no way a potential client would see your portfolio and not consider hiring you.
It’s super easy to make.
All you need is Google docs. And the secrets in this video.
Frankly, it’s not a TRICK.
It’s a simple addition to your portfolio that gets clients ready to hire you on the spot.
I learnt it from another awesome copywriter and I’ve been using it since.
I’ve explained this trick and more in a new video module.
In the new video you’ll discover…
✅️How to to create a powerful copywriting portfolio with just Google docs
✅️How to transform any boring portfolio into a vibrant “client magnet “
✅️What to add to the end of your portfolio to ENSURE potential clients contact and HIRE YOU
✅️ Why your best copy samples should not be in your portfolio (Discover what to do instead)
✅️ Why you should NEVER send the same portfolio to all your potential clients
And many more secrets.
Get The Short Copy Mastery Program now to Uncover this Irresistible portfolio TRICK
“The Short Copy Mastery Program is AMAZING “

✅️BONUS 13 – The Easiest Way To Get Email Copywriting Clients In 3 Days Or Less (worth $49)
This method works faster than anything I’ve seen. It’s so simple and so fast.
It’s perfect for newbies. But can work for anyone at any level.
A student of mine used this easy method and got 2 clients in less than 24 hours.
One is a local client, the other is an international client.
Update- A new international client reached out to him again.

This method does not require having any experience or portfolio.
You don’t need to join any freelance website.
The clients will come to you. You don’t even have to go to them.
If you use it today, within the next three days people will reach out to work with you.
It’s that powerful.
Register Now and Get An Email Copywriting Client FAST
“I recommend this Course To you”

✅️Bonus 14- How to Escape Spam The Box and Boost The Deliverability Of Your Email (worth $19)
This will make your emails land in the primary email inbox of your subscribers.
Why is this important?
You see if your emails land in the promotions tab…
You’ll have low open rates.
Low opens = low clicks = low sales.
You don’t want that.
Clients don’t want that too.
Some clients even pay email experts to solve this exact challenge.
They want emails to land in the primary tab.
Why do emails even land in the promotional tab?
Well, because some commonly used copywriting words and phrases attract the “spam slap”.
Let me shock you with some examples 🙂
Dear friend
Make money
Money back
Crazy Right?
These words are great for sales pages and social media posts…
But if you use them in emails ,they’ll land in the promotions tab or worse- the spam box.
Get this module and you’ll discover..
✅️A FREE website that cleans up your emails and helps you wrote emails that land in the primary tab
✅️More good copywriting words that kill deliverability ( don’t use them to write emails)
✅️How to clean up spam trigger words from your email.
Order Short Copy Mastery Now
” I now understand how to write email copy”

✅️Bonus 15– How To Practice Your Email Copywriting Skill (worth $9)
The Short Copy Mastery Program reveals everything needed to write great sales emails.
But there’s only one way to become a great email copywriter.
Practice writing emails daily.
It’s easy to practice.
Just write 100 to 500 words using the techniques taught in the program.
But it gets better …
When you practice writing emails daily…and get feedback from me for 1 to 6 months …
You’ll improve 10 times fast.
You’ll improve so fast that clients will easily pay you $100 (or more) for emails.
So how do you practice?
What do you practice with?
What offers can you write emails for?
Well, this module answers all these questions.
Watch this now and discover…
✅️How to find unlimited offers and products to practice email copywriting with…without using the Internet
✅️ How to transform your email copywriting practice into red hot cash (even while you’re still practicing)
✅️FREE websites that’ll help you practice your email copywriting skill DAILY
And many more secrets.
To access this module, order the Short Copy Mastery Program Now.
Give Me This Module And Everything In The Short Copy Mastery Program
✅️Bonus 16- How To Make Money With Email Copywriting Without Clients (worth $19)
Most email copywriters think there’s only one way to get paid.
They think they must get hired by clients before they can make money.
But this is untrue.
There’s another proven way to make money with your email copywriting skill without getting hired by clients.
It’s even easier than getting hired by clients.
It could even pay you more than foreign clients.
With this strategy, you’ll work ONCE and get paid over and over again.
Imagine writing 10, 20, 50 or 100 emails in 5, 10 ,20 or 30 days…
And then you keep getting paid for these emails…writing necessarily writing new emails…
Again and again.
Get the Short Copy Mastery Program to get this bonus.
“Mk Akan Is A Great Coach… “

So How Much Is This Course?
The total value of all you’re getting is over $1200.
But the Short Copy Mastery Program is $999 $49
That’s a crazy insane discount.
“I Still Go Back To The Course Every Now And Then”

“…Thank you for the insight shared in the email copywriting course “

1 Year Money Back Guarantee
I GUARANTEE this course reveals the secrets to writing short copy that sells.
I am certain you’ll love this course because you’ll discover the EXACTS steps and process for writing 100 to 500 words of “money-making copy”.
That’s why I am asking you to try this for just 1 year (365 days).
Listen to the audio mp3 files.
Watch the videos.
Consume all the bonus materials…
If you don’t learn something new…or the course is not worth your investment…
You can ask for your money BACK.
I’ll refund you immediately.
So don’t DELAY. HURRY now and order.
Order Now before the price increases to $97
Order Now and start writing winning emails
“It’s more than mind-blowing”

My Final Words To You
Since you’ve read this far, you already know this is legit.
You’ve seen how this will change your life.
Imagine getting $20 ,or $50 or even $100 to write easy 100 to 500 word emails.
Write 1 Email, Collect 1 Month’s Salary
Yesterday I found this gig on Fiverr.
It’s a gig offered by an email copywriter.
He charges $150 for a 200-word email.
Guess what?
Many people have paid for his services.
He has 550 five-star reviews.
He’s not even the most expensive email copywriter on Fiverr.
Another person charges $585 per email. (See proof below)
Many other email copywriters on Fiverr charge $20, $50 and $100 for 1 email.
Some offer package deals of 3, 5 or 10 emails.
And clients are paying.
But even if you charge $20, $50 or $100 per email…
And you write 10 ,15 or 20 emails a month…
Or you’re paid a monthly retainer by a client…
You’ll make between $200 to $2,000 a month.
That’s some good money.
Enough to handle your daily needs.
Enough to give you some financial freedom for growth.
But Let Me be REAL With you.
No client will pay you (even $10 per email) if you can’t write quality sales emails.
Those that mistakenly pay you, will later discover you’re not good.
And may NEVER hire you again.
If you don’t develop your email copywriting skills, you won’t even have the confidence to charge.
Now, don’t get me wrong…
You don’t have to be the best email copywriter in the world before you can write for clients.
You just have to know enough to get results.
And that’s what you’ll learn in this Short Copy Mastery Program.
This course shows you how to write simple 100 to 500-word emails on any topic.
Everything You Need Is Right Here. Explained to You Step by Step.
You’ll see examples and samples you can learn from.
You’ll get “100 prewritten emails,” I wrote in the Internet Marketing space.
In summary, the program prepares you to start writing quality sales emails that clients love.
Order Now to learn how to write $150-emails
Mk Akan
PS- I don’t know how long the low price of this program will remain but it’ll surely increase soon.
So if you’re sitting on the fence on this, TAKE ACTION now before the price increases.