
Copywriting for Beginners

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Copywriting for Beginners


This Copywriting Training For Beginners Shows You (Step By Step)… 

“How To Write Sales Pages That SELL Ebooks, Online Courses, Affiliate Products And E-commerce Products“

PLUS- Get INSTANT Access To 14 Bonuses That Will Help You Master Copywriting And Write Sales Pages FAST

Dear friend,

This is Mkpouto Usua (Mk Akan).

And in the next 5 minutes…

You’ll gain ACCESS to my special discount-priced “Copywriting For Beginners” course.

It's a combination of different modules from my different PREMIUM courses.

When you watch these videos, you’ll learn copywriting FAST…

And start writing sales letters and landing pages that sell.

This is What You'll Get Inside “Copywriting For Beginners”.

Quick Sales Letters- How To Write A Sales Page In 2 to 5 hours (audio training worth $49)

This complete copywriting training shows you (step by step)...how to write a powerful sales page from beginning to end.

It reveals what to write in your headline, down to the PS section.

This alone can easily sell for $49.

But now, and for a limited time, you'll get access to it at this ridiculous price.

Order now. You'll also get 14 Special Bonuses…

Bonus 1 – Copywriting Research Secrets- (worth $19)

Before you write anything, you should research your target audience and project.

How do you research your target audience?

That's exactly what you'll learn from this video training.

The video is a module from my Premium Copywriting Course. 

Today you'll download it as part of this offer.

Bonus 2 – How to Write Powerful Headlines (worth $19)

Your headline is the most important part of your sales page.

In this video training, you'll discover how to write different powerful headlines without stress…

You'll discover what to consider when writing headlines. 

This is another video module from my premium Comprehensive Copywriting Program.

Bonus 3– 35 “fill-in-the-blanks” Headline Templates and Formula (worth $19)

To help you write headlines even faster, I'll hand you an ebook with 100 fill-in-the-blank headline templates.

This will save you time and energy.

With this, you'll be able to craft 10 to 20 headlines in 3 to 5 minutes without even thinking.

Bonus 4 – How to Craft An Irresistible Offer for Anything You Sell (worth $19)

Most people don't know this… but your offer is more important than your copy.

And in this video training, you'll discover the fastest way to craft irresistible offers… that will make people rush to buy whatever you sell.

This video is from my Copywriting Program and it's worth over $19 alone.

Bonus 5 – Instant “fill-In-the-blanks” Irresistible Offer Templates (worth $29)

To help you craft irresistible offers fast, I'll hand you my Irresistible Offer (fill-in-the-blanks) Template.

With this template, you'll craft irresistible offers in 10 minutes or less.

This will save you from stressing your head to create offers that sell.

It's a huge time saver too.

Bonus 6- 48 Kinds of Proof You Can Add to Your Copy (video training worth $19)

PROOF is one of the most important parts of your copy.

Proof kills doubt and makes people BUY. Most people only use testimonials but there are 48 kinds of PROOF.

In this video training, you'll discover all of them and know when to use each one.

This is another valuable video module from my premium Copywriting Program.

Bonus 7- How to Practice Your Copywriting Skill Without Clients (audio training worth $19)

The only way to improve your Copywriting skills is constant practice.

How do you practice without clients?

That's exactly what you'll discover here.

After listening to this training, you'll know exactly how to practice your skill daily without depending on any client.

You also discover how to make money as you practice your skills.

Bonus 8- [Expert Interview] How to Develop Your Copywriting Skill FAST (video training worth $27)

A few months back, I interviewed some copywriting experts.

One of them was James Carter- an American copywriter.

If you don't know him, he's a highly sought-after copywriter…who's behind several multiple-million-dollar sales in the Internet Marketing space.

When gurus want to have highly successful product launches, they hire him.

In this 1 hour long, live-recorded video , he reveals secrets that helped him grow from beginner to expert copywriter fast.

You can't find this interview anywhere else. 

You can only download it here.

Bonus 9- Four Proven Ways To Make Money With Your Copywriting Skill (worth $19)

This video reveals 4 proven ways to turn your new skill into hot cash.

This training is from my “Make Money Without Clients” program.

Order now to download it today.

Bonus 10- How to ATTRACTS Clients And Get PAID – Part 1 (video worth $29)

A few months back, I interviewed Umoru Abraham,...

who's a guru with attracting clients on Upwork and LinkedIn.

In this video training, he reveals LIVE- how to attract foreign clients using LinkedIn.

You'll see step-by-step how to do it.

Bonus 11- How To Sell Using Human Nature And Basic Psychology (worth $19)

This is an important video because it EXPOSES you to the foundation of selling and persuasion. 

You'll be shocked by the secrets in this video.

Please only use these secrets ethically. 

Bonus 12- 20 Swipe Files Of Proven Sales Letters (worth $27)

Swipe files are proven sales pages written by other copywriters that can inspire you and give you ideas to write yours.

I've a personal swipe file of at least 200 sales letters.

Only members of my Copywriting School have access to this valuable package.

But when you order this Bundle, you'll have access to 20 swipe files.

All yours today for free.

Bonus 13- How To Improve Your Copywriting Skill Daily (worth $17)

This short video training reveals how you can develop your copywriting skills daily. 

You can get started instantly and see your skills improve by the day.

Bonus 14- How To Sell Anything Using the Copywriting Formula – AIDA (worth $19)

AIDA is a popular copywriting formula. 

You can use it to sell anything.

In this video training, you'll see how to use this formula to write sales pages and emails.

You'll see live examples of amazing copy that use this formula. 

And will learn how to write yours. 

What People Say About Mk Akan And His Copywriting Courses

" Mk is Also A Great Copywriting Teacher"

“Mk Akan's Copywriting Mentorship has been a game-changer for me”

“I recommend it to everyone interested in mastering copywriting …”

“you're indeed a great teacher”

” I highly recommend this mentorship to anyone…”

“…I recommend it to anyone”

Pay $9, or $19 or $29 or $49 for everything. Choose your price from $9 and above

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